Google Recaptcha v3 on Laravel

Google Recaptcha v3 offers seamless spam protection by not requiring any additional action from user by default (v2 still requires you to click a checkbox). In this post, I’m sharing a simple way to integrate it with Laravel 6.x built-in authentication flow. The idea is to add custom validation rule that requires a valid Recaptcha… Read More

Accessing Laravel session from Ratchet

Ratchet is an awesome PHP-based websocket server framework. A good choice when you want to add real-time websocket-based features to your PHP-based web application without adding any additional technology. I personally use it on my (personal) MVP Laravel-based web application to keep it as monolithic as possible ? Since Ratchet has been around for awhile,… Read More

Single command deploying Laravel 5.x to Ubuntu VPS with Envoy

In case you are not familiar with Laravel Envoy, this is a short description from Laravel doc: Laravel Envoy provides a clean, minimal syntax for defining common tasks you run on your remote servers. Using Blade style syntax, you can easily setup tasks for deployment, Artisan commands, and more. Currently, Envoy only supports the Mac and… Read More

Existing PHP catches and bugs

I will keep updating this post as part of note whenever I find another catch and bug in PHP. I hope it can help beginner PHP developers (like me) out there to escape hours of confusion and stress .. ? PUT multipart/data bug As explained by this open bug (since 2011), when you submit a multipart/data… Read More