Summary of “Nine Business Models and the Metrics Investors Want”

Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash This is my personal summary/notes from a talk by Anu Hariharan, Y Combinator These are 9 common business models for startup along with their common growth metrics: Enterprise: selling software/service for big companies. Eg. Docker, Cloudera Number of bookings Number of unique users Revenue SaaS: software as a service. Eg. Google Suite,… Read More

Summary of “How to Sell”

Featured image is a photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash This is my personal summary/notes from a talk by Tyler Bosmeny, CEO of Clever, Y Combinator alumni There are some popular myths about sales job where it is considered a high-class job that only gifted people could deliver. In reality, that’s not always true. Some facts that Tyler… Read More